pemirsaaaa... udah tau belum soal 'rainbow cake' ?????
yup.. buat pecinta kuliner pasti udah dak asing denger nama cake yg satu ini.. cake yg satu ini mendadak terkenal setelah fotonya ramai diposting di jejaring sosial.
all of us have someone who is hidden in the bottom of the heart..
when we think of him,, we will feel like... uummm... always feel a litte pain inside.. but we still want to keep him..
even though i don't know where is he today,, what is he doing,, but he is the one and only makes me know this... know "a little thing called L.O.V.E"
Hari gini masi plagiat ajah???!!! Heloooooowww.......?!!!!
Gak banget deh... -.-"
Gimana pemirsa,, pernahkah kalian jdi korban plagiat?? Ato pemirsa sendiri yg
jdi pelaku plagiat?? (UPS!!). Pasti gak enak banget rasanya jadi korban. Berasa
ada "follower" 24 jam non stop,, jadi mati gaya !!! Aku pernah punya
pengalaman tentang plagiat. Apesnya niih aku yg jadi korbannya. Males gila..
!!! Gak kreatif banget !!!!!